stormwater on steps

How to Solve Drainage and Erosion Problems

Jennifer NicholsField Notes

With larger and more frequent storms, it is important to understand how to manage drainage and erosion on your property. Learn the do’s and don’ts of managing stormwater by reading these tips! Drainage Drainage is the act of removing water from a site. If done too quickly, drainage causes erosion. If done too slowly, yards and basements are soggy and …

Invite Birds Home With a Beautiful Winter Landscape

Jennifer NicholsField Notes

Bring beauty, movement and color to your yard this winter and invite birds with an attractive landscape! Like all creatures, birds need shelter, water, and food to survive. Provide these things for our feathered friends to attract birds to your property. Create Shelter Of the three elements necessary for our birds, providing shelter is probably the easiest. While bird houses may be …

Winter: The Best Time to Tackle Invasive Plants

Jennifer NicholsField Notes

Some gardening projects, like removing invasive plants are easier to do in the winter. Winter is a great time to tackle invasive plants because leaves have fallen making access to certain “wild” areas easier and making the plants themselves easier to handle. Thorny, invasive plants are also much easier to deal with when wearing long sleeves or a jacket. Invasive …

How to water new plants [image]

Watering Tips for your Landscape

Jennifer NicholsField Notes

Of all the watering tips we offer as landscape professionals, the most important one is to follow the adage, ‘Right plant, right place”. Appropriate design and plant selection ensures your garden beds will be lush and full during most of the year, regardless of the weather. There is a time however, when even well designed gardens need supplemental watering. That …

Banner image- Avoid mistakes

Avoid These Common Landscape Mistakes

Jennifer NicholsField Notes

Whether you take care of your own property, or you have someone maintain it for you, there are common mistakes we frequently see in the landscape. Learn to avoid these landscape mistakes and save yourself time, money, and frustration! Landscape Mistake #1: Trees planted too deeply Like other living things, woody plants are comprised of different types of tissue which …

Gardening Tips for June

12 Gardening Tips for June

Jennifer NicholsField Notes

Perform the Chelsea Chop by cutting back certain perennials by 1/3′. If done in early June, your plants will have a later or longer bloom time and a bushier habit. Try this with asters, Black-eyed Susans, or experiment with others.  Help control Spotted Lanternfly! Our gardeners have been finding Spotted Lanternfly in the nymph stage on several properties. Penn State Extension has information about control and identification here. Prune flowering shrubs …

Landscaping During COVID

Safe Landscape Practices -Covid-19

Jennifer NicholsField Notes

The last several weeks have been challenging for us all and many small businesses are rising to the occasion. While each industry is different, we are very fortunate that landscaping is classified an essential business. Therefore, GreenWeaver is using Safe Landscape Practices for Covid-19.  We are committed to providing high quality service to our clients and keeping our team employed …

Butterfly Nightclubs or Nurseries: Which type of garden will you provide?

Jennifer NicholsField Notes

The problem with many butterfly gardens is that they tend to be butterfly nightclubs. Basically, these gardens are for adults. Take the ubiquitous butterfly bush (Buddlia davidii) for example. You may find it covered with butterflies, but where are the caterpillars? Not only is butterfly bush now on many invasive species lists, it provides virtually no food value to caterpillars, …

In Praise of Mourning Cloaks

Jennifer NicholsField Notes

Some insects are simply fascinating.  An example of this is the beautiful Mourning Cloak butterfly.  A brown-red butterfly with cream colored edges and blue spots on the wings, Mourning Cloaks are often the first butterflies to appear in spring. Winter Survival Strategies Insects use several different mechanisms to survive the winter including migration, communal living, and diapause, which is a …

colorful plants for front landscape

Landscaping for Curb Appeal

Jennifer NicholsField Notes

As someone who has been in the landscape industry for many years, I have often heard that good landscaping increases property values 15%. Upon a quick internet search, I found numbers ranging from 8% to 20%. Regardless of actual numbers, in real estate, professionals consistently recommend increasing the curb appeal of your home. So what steps should you take to …