Blue flag iris (Iris versicolor) is a valuable rain garden plant

How to Design and Install Rain Gardens

Jennifer NicholsField Notes

We love rain gardens. We may be partial because over the years we’ve designed and built some really successful rain gardens for properties of all shapes and sizes. Also, there’s something special about a landscape that is beautiful and also highly functional. Now, if you’re like many of the clients and friends we talk to about rain gardens, you’re probably …

stormwater on steps

How to Solve Drainage and Erosion Problems

Jennifer NicholsField Notes

With larger and more frequent storms, it is important to understand how to manage drainage and erosion on your property. Learn the do’s and don’ts of managing stormwater by reading these tips! Drainage Drainage is the act of removing water from a site. If done too quickly, drainage causes erosion. If done too slowly, yards and basements are soggy and …

Avoid These Common Landscape Mistakes

Jennifer NicholsField Notes

Whether you take care of your own property, or someone maintains it for you, common mistakes occur frequently in the landscape. Learn to avoid these landscape mistakes and save yourself time, money, and frustration! Landscape Mistake #1: Trees planted too deeply Like other living things, woody plants are comprised of different types of tissue which perform different functions. Bark tissue …

Winter: The Best Time to Tackle Invasive Plants

Jennifer NicholsField Notes

Some gardening projects, like removing invasive plants are easier to do in the winter. Winter is a great time to tackle invasive plants because leaves have fallen making access to certain “wild” areas easier and making the plants themselves easier to handle. Thorny, invasive plants are also much easier to deal with when wearing long sleeves or a jacket. Invasive …

The Best Ways to Tackle Snow and Ice at Home

Jennifer NicholsField Notes

Whether you love snow or long for the warmth of summer, managing snow on your property is essential for safety. However, before grabbing a bag of salt, consider the cost, your effort, and the environmental impacts. Here’s your ultimate guide to snow removal techniques to help you handle winter effectively and responsibly. Snow Management Techniques: Mechanical, Chemical, and Traction Control …

How to Create Beautiful Fall and Winter Arrangements

Jennifer NicholsField Notes

Although much of the landscape is dormant this time of year, if you look closely, there are amazing textures all around you. Evergreen branches and winter berries are commonly used, and with a little more exploration, you can add interest to your arrangements from unexpected places. Use cuttings from your yard to create beautiful arrangements for outdoor planters, indoor centerpieces, …

Fall is for Fire Features: Add One To Your Landscape

Jennifer NicholsField Notes

While most landscapes are designed to be enjoyed during daylight hours, when autumn rolls around, we have far fewer of those hours to spend outside. If you want a dynamic and inviting fall landscape, use fire features to draw friends and family into the brisk autumn air. Fire features create a reason to gather, socialize, and celebrate with your friends …

Fall Leaves: Love ‘Em and Leave ‘Em

Jennifer NicholsField Notes

How we manage leaves is one of the most financially wasteful and environmentally harmful landscape practices common to our area. The good news is that an ecological approach to leaf management can be embraced by fiscal conservatives and passionate environmentalists alike. So, what is a better way to manage leaves? The answer is the ‘Love ‘em and Leave ‘em’ approach …

Water Your Garden the Right Way For Healthy Plants

Jennifer NicholsField Notes

Of all the advice we offer as landscape professionals, at the top of the list is ‘Right plant, right place”. Appropriate design and plant selection ensures your gardens will be lush and full most of the year, regardless of the weather. However, even well designed gardens need supplemental watering, especially during the first two years after planting, or the establishment …

Design Elements for Outdoor Living Spaces You Will Love

Jennifer NicholsField Notes

As much fun as it can be to work in the garden, we ultimately want to make it an enjoyable place to use. Think of your landscape as an extension of the home and you may quickly identify opportunities to create outdoor living spaces such as kitchens, dining areas, and play rooms. All of these rooms have a few things …

Designers may generate plans by hand or computer to convey ideas.

What to Know When Working With a Professional Landscape Designer

Jennifer NicholsField Notes

Working with a professional landscape designer can be a very rewarding experience. Professional designers can turn your dreams and ideas into reality and may help you avoid costly mistakes in the process. They consider the site, seasonal changes, plant requirements, spacing, wildlife, and your vision, and put it all on paper. A landscape designer is a professional who can dream …

Easy Ways to Attract Birds to your Yard

Jennifer NicholsField Notes

Did you ever wonder, why birds returning to our area each spring bring joy and hope to people of all ages? Maybe it is their hustle and bustle of activity as the weather warms. Or maybe it is the beauty and apparent fragility of these tiny creatures. Or maybe it is that they sing. Henry David Thoreau wrote of the …

A Monarch caterpillar is eating the leaves of a milkweed plant.

Why You Should Love Bugs in Your Backyard

Jennifer NicholsField Notes

Many people are aware of the threats to Monarch Butterflies and honeybees, yet they do not like other bugs. While these pollinators are very important, maybe we should start looking at ecosystems as a whole. Several recent studies have measured insect populations, and they have yielded some alarming results. Overall, it appears that worldwide insect populations have dropped as much as …