We love rain gardens. We may be partial because over the years we’ve designed and built some really successful rain gardens for properties of all shapes and sizes. Also, there’s something special about a landscape that is beautiful and also highly functional. Now, if you’re like many of the clients and friends we talk to about rain gardens, you’re probably …
Mulching; Important Things You Should Know
Spring is the time of year for property cleanups and mulching beds. When it comes to mulching, there is more to know than you might initially think. Follow some advice from the experts to select the right type, do it correctly, and spend your money wisely. Described below are some of the benefits of mulch, types of mulch, problems caused …
How to Solve Drainage and Erosion Problems
With larger and more frequent storms, it is important to understand how to manage drainage and erosion on your property. Learn the do’s and don’ts of managing stormwater by reading these tips! Drainage Drainage is the act of removing water from a site. If done too quickly, drainage causes erosion. If done too slowly, yards and basements are soggy and …
Winter Gardening Tips for a More Successful Spring
Set yourself up for an easier, more successful springtime with these six winter gardening tasks.
Invite Birds Home With a Beautiful Winter Landscape
Bring beauty, movement and color to your yard this winter and invite birds with an attractive landscape! Like all creatures, birds need shelter, water, and food to survive. Provide these things for our feathered friends to attract birds to your property. Create Shelter Of the three elements necessary for our birds, providing shelter is probably the easiest. While bird houses may be …
Winter: The Best Time to Tackle Invasive Plants
Some gardening projects, like removing invasive plants are easier to do in the winter. Winter is a great time to tackle invasive plants because leaves have fallen making access to certain “wild” areas easier and making the plants themselves easier to handle. Thorny, invasive plants are also much easier to deal with when wearing long sleeves or a jacket. Invasive …
Avoid These Common Landscape Mistakes
Whether you take care of your own property, or you have someone maintain it for you, there are common mistakes we frequently see in the landscape. Learn to avoid these landscape mistakes and save yourself time, money, and frustration! Landscape Mistake #1: Trees planted too deeply Like other living things, woody plants are comprised of different types of tissue which …
12 Gardening Tips for June
Perform the Chelsea Chop by cutting back certain perennials by 1/3′. If done in early June, your plants will have a later or longer bloom time and a bushier habit. Try this with asters, Black-eyed Susans, or experiment with others. Help control Spotted Lanternfly! Our gardeners have been finding Spotted Lanternfly in the nymph stage on several properties. Penn State Extension has information about control and identification here. Prune flowering shrubs …
Safe Landscape Practices -Covid-19
The last several weeks have been challenging for us all and many small businesses are rising to the occasion. While each industry is different, we are very fortunate that landscaping is classified an essential business. Therefore, GreenWeaver is using Safe Landscape Practices for Covid-19. We are committed to providing high quality service to our clients and keeping our team employed …
Why Hire a Gardener?
Whether you are a homeowner with a demanding schedule, an enthusiastic but overwhelmed gardener, or are simply disinterested in yard work, an experienced horticulturist is a great option for you. Maybe you have a place to relax, entertain, or just enjoy the view from the kitchen window, but you don’t know how to maintain it. Or maybe you can’t find the …