Have you ever been to the Pennsylvania Farm Show? If not, you don’t know what you are missing. With free admission and $15 parking, it could be the best deal in the state! So what is there to see and do at the Farm Show? With over 6,000 animals and over 10,000 exhibits it is difficult to decide! Below …
Beautiful and Responsible Landscape Lighting
I was recently asked if GreenWeaver installs landscape lighting. Any good business person would immediately jump on this opportunity to sell additional services to a client, but I always respond to this question with reservation. As an environmentally responsible landscape company, how do we justify adding services that require electricity, have the potential to damage the night-time ecology, and can …
Protect Your Trees From Deer Now!
Bucks rub their antlers this time of year, so protect your trees from deer damage- whether they’re small or even up to six inches in diameter! Why do deer damage trees? Male deer, or bucks, grow antlers, loose the velvety coating on their antlers, and then shed their antlers on a yearly basis. They rub their antlers on low branches …
Update: Monarch Populations
Last September, I wrote an article on Monarch butterfly migration and noted that Monarch butterfly populations are in severe decline. In fact, the winter of 2013 recorded the lowest population of butterflies returning to Mexico ever with populations reduced by 90% over the last 25 years. So this year, as summer draws to a close and these incredible insects prepare …
Shady Garden Plants for Summertime
By now all of you GreenWeaver fans should have your native shade tree planted on the southwest corner of your house for energy efficiency, wildlife habitat, and comfort just in time for the summer heat! The next question is: What do you plant under it? Or in any shady location on your property? We all know that turf grass does …
Green City, Clean Waters
Go Philly! Did you know that the city of Philadelphia leads the nation in: Commuter Biking Per capita consumption of sweatshirts and sweatpants Life sciences research and development Stormwater management Pretty cool stuff! And although I certainly have opinions about the whole list, I can only speak intelligently about the last item, so let me explain a little about Philadelphia’s …
Water in the Garden
Every garden can benefit from a water feature. From still reflecting pools to vibrant fountains, water adds an important element to our outdoor spaces. Water also brings life to a garden, figuratively, as well as literally. So in deciding how we want to incorporate water into our spaces, let’s look at several considerations. Purpose Water can perform many functions in …
Filling bare spots in your garden
Gardens are never static. Whether you started out with an excellent design and installation, or made smaller changes to an existing landscape over time, how do you know when you are “done”? The answer of course, is never. As we all know, in every garden some plants will thrive while others languish. Trees may grow and shade out a previously …
The Best Ways to Tackle Snow and Ice at Home
Whether you can’t wait until the first flurries or spend the winter dreaming of the warm days of summer, we all must deal with snow removal on our own properties. In doing this, safety of course is the primary concern. But before you grab a bag of salt, also consider cost, effort, and the environment. Of the different snow management …
Monarch Migration
As the days grow shorter and the weather gets colder, both plants and animals need to adjust to these seasonal changes. In our area, most plants go dormant which leaves the animals that depend on them several choices for survival. Some animals, such as chickadees, nuthatches, and field mice change their food source to what is available, such as seeds. …