how much does a patio cost

Estimating the Cost of a Patio

Lee ArmilleiField Notes

Often, a patio is the keystone to the landscape, with gardens and lawn as supporting components. These project costs vary widely however, with many options. So, if you have been thinking about a new hardscape, read on to see what goes into the estimating a patio or walkway. Variables On every patio project, access, site conditions, size, and aesthetics impact …

So you want to raise chickens…

Greg NicholsField Notes

Do you have a child asking for pets that are just going to become another responsibility and give nothing in return? Are you interested in edible landscaping? Do you like the idea of eating locally? If any of the above apply to you, consider raising chickens. Chickens are cute, can teach children responsibility, and provide fresh eggs! So if you …

Landscapes at the Farm Show?

Jennifer NicholsField Notes

Have you ever been to the Pennsylvania Farm Show? If not, you don’t know what you are missing. With free admission and $15 parking, it could be the best deal in the state!   So what is there to see and do at the Farm Show? With over 6,000 animals and over 10,000 exhibits it is difficult to decide! Below …

Beautiful and Responsible Landscape Lighting

Jennifer NicholsField Notes

I was recently asked if GreenWeaver installs landscape lighting. Any good business person would immediately jump on this opportunity to sell additional services to a client, but I always respond to this question with reservation. As an environmentally responsible landscape company, how do we justify adding services that require electricity, have the potential to damage the night-time ecology, and can …

Protect Your Trees From Deer Now!

Jennifer NicholsField Notes

Bucks rub their antlers this time of year, so protect your trees from deer damage- whether they’re small or even up to six inches in diameter! Why do deer damage trees? Male deer, or bucks, grow antlers, loose the velvety coating on their antlers, and then shed their antlers on a yearly basis. They rub their antlers on low branches …

Fantastic Fall Foliage

Lee ArmilleiField Notes

While many of us learned long ago that the splendid fall color in leaves is created by a loss of chlorophyll, the colors left behind depend upon a number of factors. Plant species, temperature, growing conditions and more, all play a role in the colors we see in the autumn landscape. Let’s explore why we are going to see some …

When to reach for pesticides... not here!

What to Know Before Reaching for Pesticides

Lee ArmilleiField Notes

Pesticides are natural or synthetic products that are designed to kill, prevent, repel, or mitigate pests. A pest may be a weed, insect, animal, fungus, or another type of living organism. Sub-categories of pesticides include herbicide, insecticide, rodenticide, fungicide, and more. When you see the suffix “cide” it typically means “act of killing”. Pesticides come in various forms, including liquids, …

Update: Monarch Populations

Jennifer NicholsField Notes

Last September, I wrote an article on Monarch butterfly migration and noted that Monarch butterfly populations are in severe decline. In fact, the winter of 2013 recorded the lowest population of butterflies returning to Mexico ever with populations reduced by 90% over the last 25 years. So this year, as summer draws to a close and these incredible insects prepare …

Turf Alternatives to Reduce Mowing

Lee ArmilleiField Notes

Mowing the lawn is wasteful. If you hire a service, you’re spending dollars and if you mow your own lawn, you’re spending your time (arguably more valuable!). But regardless of who does the mowing, the process is consuming fossil fuels and releasing air pollution.

Important Pruning Tips from Landscape Pros

Lee ArmilleiField Notes

So your landscape is filling in, and it looks simply gorgeous, but for how long will it last? Often the key to maintaining a healthy, vigorous garden is actually to cut it back. Promote the kind of growth you want and manipulate plants for their best features by pruning. Definitions To get started, let’s define some general pruning terms: Prune …