You probably know that local produce is fresher and tastier, better for the local economy, and uses less resources in transportation than produce from farther away. But did you know it can be easy to grow your own? To add edible plants to your yard, read on. Some of the ways may surprise you! Add Edible Plants With Trees One …
Choose These Beautiful Native Spring Plants Instead of Traditional Bulbs
Most people love spring bulbs. Daffodils, hyacinths, and tulips planted in the fall reward gardeners who plan ahead with some of the first blooms of spring. However, none of these plants are native to North America. So add some of these native plants to your garden and celebrate the excitement of spring while benefiting nature! Spring Beauty (Claytonia virginiana) A …
How to Buy the Best Plants for Your Garden
Now that spring is here it seems like potted plants are everywhere. Grocery stores, big box stores, and produce stands all have plant displays to entice you into buying. If you find it difficult to resist, follow these guidelines on how to buy plants to make the best purchases. Basic Plant Buying Guidelines Rule number one is, do not buy …
Save Time with Tips from Garden Pros
Professional gardeners have developed many time saving hacks to get the most out of their efforts. Use these tips to help you work smarter, not harder, towards a beautiful, well-kept, and healthy garden. Use the Right Tool Good hand tools are a gardener’s best friend. For example, high-quality pruners last for years and make pruning much easier than using dull …
How to Design and Install Rain Gardens
We love rain gardens. We may be partial because over the years we’ve designed and built some really successful rain gardens for properties of all shapes and sizes. Also, there’s something special about a landscape that is beautiful and also highly functional. Now, if you’re like many of the clients and friends we talk to about rain gardens, you’re probably …
Mulching; Important Things You Should Know
Spring is the time of year for property cleanups and mulching beds. When it comes to mulching, there is more to know than you might initially think. Follow some advice from the experts to select the right type, do it correctly, and spend your money wisely. Described below are some of the benefits of mulch, types of mulch, problems caused …
How to Solve Drainage and Erosion Problems
With larger and more frequent storms, it is important to understand how to manage drainage and erosion on your property. Learn the do’s and don’ts of managing stormwater by reading these tips! Drainage Drainage is the act of removing water from a site. If done too quickly, drainage causes erosion. If done too slowly, yards and basements are soggy and …
Avoid These Common Landscape Mistakes
Whether you take care of your own property, or someone maintains it for you, common mistakes occur frequently in the landscape. Learn to avoid these landscape mistakes and save yourself time, money, and frustration! Landscape Mistake #1: Trees planted too deeply Like other living things, woody plants are comprised of different types of tissue which perform different functions. Bark tissue …
Winter Gardening Tips for a More Successful Spring
Set yourself up for an easier, more successful springtime with these six winter gardening tasks.
Invite Birds Home With a Beautiful Winter Landscape
Birds add beauty, movement, and color to your landscape. And like all creatures, they need shelter, water, and food to survive. So invite birds to your property this winter by providing these things for our feathered friends. Create Shelter Of the three elements necessary for birds, providing shelter is probably the easiest. While bird houses may be purchased or built, they are …